August 17, 2024
Got some toys!

I traded in my manga YGO cards at a local shop to get store credit for the gunpla. I actually have surprisingly enjoyed the show its from so far, and it's a nice design, so once I get some more money I'm going to get the paint for it.
Copy X meanwhile... was a surprise. I went to the sister video game shop to the above mentioned one, and they randomly had this and a Harpuia figure?!

I've honestly never seen these before. The Harpuia says Wonder Festival 2009, though the Copy X doesn't seem to be from then. There's a write up here about the Rockman figures at the event. I didn't get Harpuia as I'm on a very limited budget lately but... seeing that original price... I might have to go back and get it.
The pieces in the boxes are loose, so I just have to pray they're all in there lol.
(Edit)Okay, I opened it up, and it's a very old fashioned garage resin kit. “Have to drill into the pieces yourself” old fashioned. Never worked on one of those before, so that'll be fun.
Looking at the instructions, it's supposed to be Original X, so my bad. I'm only used to seeing Copy in that armour lol.
The original modeler is HARVEST-WKS, here's a link to their blog, specifically advertising the X.
I went back and picked up Harpuia as well...