*Chapter 17*: The Trusted

AUTHOR'S NOTE: A little bit of backstory...

Since a few reviewers have had questions about our timeline, I decided to write out a brief guide of some of the dates and figures we have set up for Epilogue. As you know, we are attempting to make this story fit in with as much of Capcom's Mega Man canon as possible; but considering their propensity for making their own games contradict each other, we did unfortunately have to change a few things to keep history making sense. The largest, and only really important change is pushing the date of Command Mission back into 21XX. We have many reasons for this which I'm not going to get into here but suffice it to say it saves a lot of headaches for us.


200X - Dr. Light and Dr. Wily decide to make robots. They build Blues; something happens and he runs away. They make more robots. Wily goes nuts and tries to take over the world. Rock becomes Mega Man to stop him, and the endless cycle of fighting begins. Epilogue does not follow the events, personalities, etc. laid out in Mega Man Powered Up.

20XX – At the start of Epilogue, it has been about twelve years since the Wily Wars first began and a month or so after the events of Mega Man & Bass. The events of all eight games, as well as Power Fighters and Power Battles, also occurred. The Gameboy games are not a part of Epilogue's history because they contradict most of the mainstream games.

Between 20XX and 21XX - At some point, the Cataclysm occurs. The earth becomes a desolate polluted wasteland. About a hundred years pass from this point until Dr. Cain discovers X in a capsule. A year passes before Dr. Cain decides to build robots based on X's design, calling them reploids. A year after that, incidents of berserk reploids and mechaniloids become enough of a problem that Dr. Cain forms the Maverick Hunters to combat them. About a year after that, Sigma discovers Zero, and makes him a Hunter as well. He rises through the ranks, becoming X's mentor when he decides to join. Sigma begins to act strangely; eventually, he leads a revolt. The Maverick Rebellion has begun. Epilogue does not completely conform to the canon of Maverick Hunter X, mostly because MHX doesn't conform to the canon of the rest of the series. Therefore, major events occurred according to the conventional game timeline. However, we are attempting to keep as much of the backstory given in the game manual as we can.

21XX – X and Zero's era is set post X8 and pre Command Mission, sixteen years after Dr. Cain first found X. As stated earlier, Command Mission occurs probably a few years after this, but is not terribly important to our story.

Between 21XX and 22XX - Sometime in this timeframe, the Elf Wars occur; we are tentatively placing this event at around 10-15 years post X8. Whatever parts of the planet were left after the Cataclysm are destroyed. After that comes a hundred years of chaos, during which Neo Arcadia eventually arises as the only world city. Eventually, Ciel is born and during her youth, creates Copy X. Copy X perverts the ancient X's ideals and begins to heavily persecute reploids, leading into the events we all know from the games.

22XX – Our heroes' entry into 22XX occurs not long after the conclusion of Zero 3. Events of the story will show the buildup towards the beginning of Zero 4.

Between 20XX and the Far Future- At some point, the world floods and the Master System is developed. Earth, now called Terra, becomes a mostly peaceful ocean dotted by islands.

Far Future – The Legends era portion of the story will be set several months after Legends 2.

Ages of Characters

Classic Characters

Rock — physically 13, actual age 12
Blues — physically 18, actual age 15
Bass — physically 16, actual age 3
Roll — physically 13, actual age 12
Dr. Light — age 60
Dr. Wily — age 57

X Series Characters

X — physically 21, actual age 16
Zero — physically 23, actual age 13
Axl — physically 17, actual age 4
Alia — physically 21, actual age 8 1/2

Zero Series Characters

Zero II — physically 23, actual age 2 1/2 (?)
Ciel — age 23
Alouette — physically 10, actual age 3 1/2
Harpuia — physically 21, actual age 4 1/2
Leviathan — physically 19, actual age 4 1/2
Fefnir — physically 20, actual age 4 1/2

Legends Characters

Trigger — age 16
Roll Caskett — age 16
Barrell Caskett — age 62
Tron Bonne— age 16
Tiesel Bonne— age 25

(According to the Japanese sourcebook, Ciel is supposedly 14. This, in Triad's and my opinion, is completely ludicrous. There is no possible way, even though she is an amazing genius, that she could have done everything she has done if she is only now 14. Therefore, we have given her an age we think is more plausible.)

When the story ends, I will move all this information to an addendum in the final chapter; however, until that time, it will remain here as a resource.



The Trusted


It was impossible to tell time in the windowless apartment, but Rock awoke at an hour his internal chronometer told him was morning. Looking across the room, he saw that Blues still appeared to be asleep, but the rustling from the bed below and the fact that the lights had been turned on to a dim setting indicated that X at least was already up.

X stood up after hearing his brother awaken, leaning his elbows on the side of the bed and smiling at the young robot. The reploid's hair was extremely messy, one side flattened by his pillow while the other was wildly tangled, falling into his eyes. Rock tried not to giggle.

"How're you feeling, Rock?" the Hunter asked, as the little boy rubbed his eyes and tugged off the cable that had been helping to replenish his power during the night. It was a new design that Rock appreciated, with sensors that merely wrapped around the arm and sent energy in through the synthskin, rather than requiring a painful plug to be inserted directly into his inner circuitry.

"I feel completely refreshed!" he replied, sounding somewhat surprised. Then his stomach growled loudly, and he made a face. "But I'm still hungry."

"You'll get used to it," X assured him. "The feeling will go away after a while when your body realizes it has enough energy."

"It'd better," Rock grumbled. "And you might want to comb your hair, you have a really bad case of bed-head."

X's cheeks turned slightly red and he hastily ran his fingers through his dark locks. "Your hair's pretty messy yourself, you know," he defended. Rock just stuck out his tongue. X returned the gesture cheekily, then glanced over at the opposite bed. "...Anyway, I'd probably better wake Blues..."

"Don't touch him, he'll hit you," Rock warned.

X raised an eyebrow. "Speaking from experience?"

Rock nodded. "He fell asleep on the couch once, and I made the mistake of poking him... I ended up having to go fight Bass later that day with a black eye. He wouldn't stop laughing at me."

"Blues, or Bass?"

"Both of them."

Their voices were getting louder, but Blues still slept through the noise. Finally, X approached the bed, stopping out of range of his brother's fists. "Time to get up!" he said, loudly. There was no response. "Blues?"

"He can really sleep soundly when he wants to," Rock observed, as X frowned and tried to think of the best way to approach the older boy.

"Well, I'll go wake up Zero, then," X said finally. "I know he won't kill me for it, right away at least. Blues can wake up when he feels like it."

Rock agreed to this, and hopped down from the bed to start getting dressed. X, who had already changed out of his pajamas before Rock had awoken, strapped on his remaining pieces of armor and wandered over to Zero and Bass' room.

As expected, the blonde and the purple-haired boy were still sound asleep. Zero did not remain so for long, as X gave him a friendly shove off the bed. He landed on the floor in a tangle of sheets, hair, and pink pajamas.

"Hey!" Zero yelled grumpily, trying to dislodge himself from the blankets. "What was that for?"

"Just be thankful you were on the bottom bunk," X replied cheerfully, yanking the pillow away before Zero could obtain it and resume his napping on the floor.

"Whatever," Zero said. There was a slight snicker from Bass' bunk. The boy had obviously been awakened by the commotion. Zero calmly reached over and tugged on the sheets, catapulting his brother onto the floor as well.

"You know, you should keep those pajamas, Zero," X teased, as Bass growled and the blonde managed to stand up. "They'll be a hit with your fangirls."

"Ha ha. No way," Zero replied dully. "But that's another thing... I think we should start packing supplies before we time-jump all over the universe... the next place we go might not have conveniently friendly locals."

"It'd be kind of hard to fight Mavericks while carrying duffel bags," X said.

"Well, I'm not wearing these pajamas any more," Zero said firmly.

"You're going to be wearing them as long as we're spending the night here," said Bass, as he picked himself up off the floor and threw the sheets back onto the bed. "None of us need to have our eyes burned out by you wandering around naked."

"You're extremely witty," Zero grumbled, and started gathering his armor to change.

Satisfied that the two were sufficiently awake to leave unattended, X walked back to his own room. He found Rock fully dressed now, but Blues still remained asleep, the blankets he had drawn up over his head slowly rising and falling as he breathed. "Has he moved at all?" X asked.

Rock shook his head. "Nope, he's out cold. Maybe we should try poking him with something..."

"You first," said X. Rock rolled his eyes, then looked around the room. He couldn't find anything long and pointy so he picked up Blues' shield instead, maneuvering it under the guardrail of the bunk bed to poke into the older boy's side. Blues did not stir.

X frowned. "I thought he had killer reflexes?"

"He normally does," Rock said, confused himself. "He must be really tired..."

"He still hasn't woken up," X said. "Now what?"

"I don't know..."

They both turned as the door opened. "Well then, what's the plan for today?" Zero asked, as he sauntered into the room, armor in place. Bass followed a few steps behind.

"First is to wake up Blues," said X, pointing at the unmoving lump in the top bunk.

"Mr. Mysterious is the last one up?" Zero said, smirking. "Well, I can fix that..."

"Wait, Zero!" Rock said, but Zero had already removed the guardrail from the side of the bed. A moment later, the blonde scooped up the sleeping robot from his cocoon of blankets. The power cable ripped away from Blues' arm and the boy awoke immediately, startled by his sudden forced removal from the bed. One of his arms shot up instinctively and hit Zero squarely on the chin.

"Whoa, kid," Zero said, tossing Blues away from him and onto X's vacated bottom bunk, then rubbing his bruised chin. "It's just me."

The elder robot put up a hand to shield his eyes. "What the hell, Zero?" he said, irately. "Can't you wake me up like a normal person?"

"We tried," said X. "Numerous times."

"Well, sorry," said Blues, grumbling. "Can someone hand me my sunglasses?"

"Why were you sleeping so late, anyway?" Rock asked, while X retrieved the civilian sunglasses Blues kept with him from their place on the ledge beside the bed.

Blues slipped the glasses on. "I was tired. I think all this time travel is messing with my internal clock…"

"I'm feeling fine," Rock said, frowning.

"Well, I'm older than you," Blues replied shortly. He then began gathering his armor, muttering about blonde idiots with no respect for personal space.

The group was finally dressed and ready by the time there came a knocking on the door. A moment later, Zero II stuck his head inside.

"You're awake," he observed.

"Good morning, Zero II," said Rock cheerfully, ignoring Blues' continued muttering as he perfected the knot of his scarf.

"X, Ciel has asked to see you," the Resistance warrior replied, without preamble. "The rest of you are free to do what you want."

"Has nothing about Sigma or Wily turned up, then?" X asked.

Zero II shook his head. "Not yet. X, if you're ready, come with me..." He looked around at the others. "As for the rest... the base is aware of you. All they know is that you're visitors. I'd advise you to keep it that way."

Zero II turned to leave. X, after giving a glance to Zero, followed him out the door.

"Not too friendly, is he?" Blues observed, as soon as the door was closed and their conversation was private.

"Maybe he's just like that," Rock said, shrugging. "He never seems to talk much, anyway."

"Mega Man, don't be naïve," Bass said, snorting derisively. He collapsed onto X's bed, folding his arms behind his head. "It's obvious that he doesn't trust us."

"What do you mean?" Rock said, confused. "X proved that we are who we said we are… And he seemed to believe us. Ciel did anyway. Besides, Zero II's… well, Zero!"

"Even though they may accept we're from the past... they're guerrilla fighters," Blues said, nodding to Bass. "They trust no one but themselves. We haven't been here long enough yet."

Bass nodded. "Yeah. And I'll bet you anything that when Zero II said 'the base is aware of you' he meant 'they'll be making sure you aren't spies.' He's not stupid… he wouldn't let strangers just wander where they please."

Rock sighed. He still didn't understand why Zero II would not trust them, but he supposed he couldn't really blame him. Considering the state of the current era, trust was not something that flowed freely.

"And I'm not too sure about him being me," Zero added quietly.

The others turned to look at him. Rock frowned. "What do you mean?"

"He said he had amnesia," Zero explained, shrugging.


"So," said Zero, walking over to Bass and shoving his legs off the bed so he could sit beside him, "He's a robot. With amnesia. Unlike with humans, there's not many things that could cause that… and most involve complete personality wipes."

"And that'd mean… that the original person is probably dead," Blues finished.

"Yeah, exactly." Zero nodded, his hair swishing over the blankets. "Basically, if that's what happened, the person walking around in my body now, Zero II, is not me. He may have the same core programming, and so share the same basic traits... but the memories, the experiences, and the soul... are different."

Blues smiled slightly. "Well said, Zero."

He smirked. "I'll bet you thought I never had it in me."

"So… then he's not really you?" Rock asked.

Zero shrugged. "Since we don't know what happened exactly, it's hard to tell… it's possible he's still me. I've had experience with amnesia before... of a different nature, but... anyway, you already know that I've made it through a lot of things that should've killed me. He could still have my soul, and my memories buried somewhere." He shrugged, and shook his head. "But, either way, Zero II is no longer only me. Even if we have the same soul, his experiences are different from mine. He knows only his programming and what's happened to him since he was activated by Ciel. What he's gone through since then is bound to have brought out a slightly different personality."

"Slightly is an understatement," Bass said.

"Well, we really don't know him that well yet," said Blues, "but I'm still inclined to agree."

"He's so quiet and impersonal," Zero said, scowling. "And he's a jerk. I mean, I'm a jerk too, but not like he is. And he's walking around with my face… it's just plain creepy. I never want to be like that."

"Well, like Blues said, we don't really know him that well," Rock pointed out. "And he doesn't know us. I'm sure he'll be nicer when he feels more comfortable around us."

"Maybe," Zero said, shrugging. He was still looking concerned, however, despite his obvious attempts to act casual, and Rock thought it was probably time to change the subject.

Blues seemed to agree. He stood up, brushing his scarf back over his shoulder. "Well, I'm going to go wander around for a bit," he said. "Don't kill each other before I get back."

"Whatever, old man," Bass replied, and Blues smiled slightly and walked out the door.

The others sat, staring rather blankly at one another for a few minutes. Finally, Rock sighed and stood up. "I'm going to go look around as well," he said, heading to the door. "See you later."

He left also. Bass looked over at Zero. "So what do we do now?"

Zero looked around the room, finally focusing on Blues' pillow, now lying on the floor after being dislodged from the bed along with its owner. "Pillow fight?"

"…You're on."


Zero II lead X back through the Resistance Base corridors towards Ciel's laboratory. The doors slid open as the two approached. Inside, X found most of the lights dimmed, save the few that brightly illuminated Ciel's desk area. The lab was slightly messier than yesterday, and there was a door X had not noticed before open at the other end of the room. Through it, he could catch a glimpse of an unmade bed, papers strewn across the floor.

Ciel was sitting in her lab chair, facing away from X and Zero II as they approached. She wore a pink dress very similar in style to the one she had worn yesterday, and seemed to be staring at a blank portion of the wall, or perhaps the glowing liquid tank. She did not turn to face them.

"Please, take a seat, X," she said, still looking at the wall. "And Zero, could you wait outside?" The blonde warrior had stopped beside a console, arms folded. He did not respond immediately, glancing from Ciel to X. Finally, he walked towards the exit, looking very reluctant. He gave X one last piercing look before stepping into the corridor. The door slid shut.

Silence fell. X looked around the room and spotted a chair a few paces away. He walked towards it and sat carefully, feeling strangely nervous. He had always been somewhat uncomfortable around humans, even those he knew well, like Dr. Cain. He supposed it was a product of his early years, as the only reploid in the world. During that time he had felt constantly pressured to prove himself a sentient, living being, an equal to humanity — even to those who seemed most excited by his existence. Though great strides had been made since then, there was still a constant aura of prejudice that colored the minds of humans he encountered even today. Only with Dr. Light, of all the humans he had met, had he truly felt free of the awkward mess of inter-species relations.

What worried X most was that though he knew not all humans believed reploids to be inferior, Dr. Ciel probably least of all, he could not stop the uneasy feeling. But he supposed that was the true insidious power of racism. It affected both sides of the equation. Not only were humans uncomfortable around reploids, but reploids were uncomfortable around humans. As long as this situation continued, X knew the cycle of mistrust, abuse, and war would continue as well. Looking at this future… it seemed his fears were not unfounded.

The silence continued for a few more moments. X shifted uncomfortably, wondering if she expected him to speak first. She was still staring at the wall. "X…" she began suddenly, "what's your favorite kind of soda?"

X raised his eyebrows, confused by the odd question. "Uh… I don't usually drink soda. There's this brand of fruit punch I usually buy…" He paused, cutting off the rambling line of thought. "Why are you asking me this?"

Her shoulders slumped slightly, and her gaze fell to the floor. "So… you really are Mega Man X."

Then he understood. It had been another test, like Zero II's question about Alia's bracelet. "Yes, I am," he replied. "But, I thought you believed us already."

"I did," Ciel said, still not looking at him. "But at the same time… I didn't want to. Time travel… We have so many problems already… and now to add this…"

"Miss Ciel, I apologize," X said, suddenly feeling slightly ashamed. Though he knew he had little choice in the matter, it was really not fair of him to be asking these people for help in solving his problems. "We shouldn't be imposing on you like this…"

The scientist shook her head. "No, X, don't." She finally swiveled the chair around to face him. "It's not your fault. It never has been."

X raised an eyebrow, curious. "What do you mean by that?"

She shook her head. "The copy mess… you know. X… I'm sorry you had to come here and find this situation…"

"It's… not very comforting," X admitted. "I always thought that the future would be a better place. We seemed to be making so much progress…"

"From what I know of history, you did, for a time," Ciel replied. "But then the Elf Wars changed everything."

"It's always wars that do it, isn't it," X said glumly. "Decades of work vanishing in an instant…"

Ciel nodded. "Yes… that does seem to be true."

"According to what the two reploids we met before told us, that war basically wiped out the planet," X said, folding his arms and shifting slightly in the chair. "Is it true that Neo Arcadia… is all that's left?"

"On this part of the planet, anyway," Ciel replied. "There are probably other cities somewhere in the world… but we aren't in contact with them. Around here, the city is basically the only place humans can survive."

"On that note, Miss Ciel," X asked suddenly, "the two reploids we met before… I'm afraid they won't last much longer without help. Do you think perhaps…"

"I've already set some Resistance members searching for them, after I heard your story yesterday," Ciel replied. "You said they were named Simone and Jean-Luc, correct? If they're still in the same area, we'll find them soon."

X nodded, relieved. "I'm glad. I was afraid our presence would just make things more difficult for them."

"Don't worry about them, X," she reassured him. "We'll make sure they're all right."

He smiled at her. "I'm sure they'll be very happy for that."

There was another slight pause. Finally, Ciel rose from her chair, walking a few paces away from it, her back to her guest. "You're probably… wondering why I called you here," she said quietly.

"Well… yes, somewhat," X replied. "It didn't sound like it was about Sigma or Wily… and I doubt you just wanted to confirm my identity."

"No…" Ciel said. "That was part of it, but… no. I called you here because… I want to apologize."

"Apologize? For what, Miss Ciel?" X asked, confused.

"Don't call me Miss," she said, shaking her head. "I don't deserve it… least of all from you."

"What are you talking about?" X asked, now rather concerned. The young scientist was acting very strangely.

"X… Zero told me that he told you about Copy X," she replied. "But he didn't tell you the entire truth. You see… all of what happened… is my fault. I built Copy X."

"…What?" said X, thoroughly startled, thinking back on Zero II's words. He had mentioned that the copy's creator had been female… but Ciel? "When? And… why?"

"It was… six years ago now," she said sinking into the chair. "I was seventeen, and just finishing up my doctorate. I'd always been the best, and whatever I attempted turned out brilliantly. Until then…"

She sighed, closing her eyes. "I was young, idealistic, naïve… I still am," she admitted. "You were my hero, X. I grew up hearing stories about the reploid who had fought valiantly for the world, who had saved us all from extinction so many times. I thought that if I could recreate you… that maybe you'd be able to save us again. I found copies of your blueprints…"

"But a reploid is a lot more than just construction," X said.

"I know that now… and I knew it then." She sighed again. "But I thought that it wouldn't matter. Even though what I built would not truly be you, I thought I could recreate your abilities, your personality… and it would be enough. But I misjudged. I forgot that the reason you are who you are isn't just programming, but the experiences and the choices you've made in your life. Copy X was created with a heroic legacy he could not possibly fulfill. He became consumed by love for his own fame, and twisted your ideals… and I could do nothing to stop him. After he began his oppressive policies, I tried to talk to him, but he had already gone beyond listening to me. I had no choice but to help the Resistance… and eventually, to send Zero to kill him."

She shook her head, her face brimming with emotion. "I feel horrible, X. He should not have been placed in the situation he was… He was my child, really, and I basically condemned him to death by my unrealistic expectations. That was the greatest mistake I have ever made… and I have to do whatever I can to atone for it."

"And… why did you want to apologize to me, then?" X asked.

"Because I helped to ruin your ideals and your reputation!" Ciel said, seemingly confused at his question. "I presumed to try and resurrect you… and in doing so the world is now even further from the state you tried to achieve."

"Miss Ciel," X said firmly, "you need to stop blaming yourself for everything. Copy X was a person with the ability to make choices, no matter how misguided he was. He could have stood up for himself, and realized what he was doing was wrong… but he didn't." He stood up, walking over so he could look her in the eyes. "And think about it, Ciel. It wasn't Copy X who caused the racism between reploids and humans. That already existed. If you hadn't built him, someone else would have implemented the same discriminatory policies, and things might have turned out even worse. So, you need to stop punishing yourself for the past. It's the present that matters… and from what I've seen, you're already doing all you can and more to help the people of this era."


"Ciel, I know you've talked to me before," X said, folding his arms. "Zero has, and you must have as well to know what questions to ask me. And I'm sure what I'm saying now is the same thing I said then… or will be saying, I guess. I don't blame you for anything. I'm actually a bit flattered that you'd think I'm important enough to resurrect."

She flushed slightly. "You're the one person that humans and reploids have always respected… until I messed everything up."

"Ciel, you didn't need a legend to save the world," he replied. "You're more than capable of doing that yourself; especially now that you have Zero to help you."

She flushed again. "We would all have died without him…"

"But he would have died without you," X returned. "He said you were the one who found him."

"Yes, and I immediately had to ask him to fight our way out of there," she replied. "I was literally a minute from being killed when I found him."

"That's just what Zero does," X replied, smiling. "He's there for you in tough situations. I guarantee you I would not have survived the first war if he hadn't helped me."

"You're really close friends, aren't you?" Ciel observed.

He nodded. "Best friends… pretty much since we first met. Sometimes I wonder how it happened, since we're basically polar opposites, but I'm very glad that it did."

"You… the Original X didn't talk about him much," Ciel replied. "I think it's always… frustrated him a little. Our Zero, I mean... that he couldn't remember and you never explained... but at the same time, maybe he just doesn't want to know."

"I would think it would be awkward to be told about a past you can't remember," X replied. "He's a different person now. He's not my Zero anymore. And as much as that upsets me… he deserves to be able to live his own life."

"…That makes sense," Ciel replied. "I do wonder, though… the Original X would have known about this meeting when we spoke before, wouldn't he? Why didn't he tell us? It would have saved a lot of trouble if we were expecting your group to arrive."

"Well, there are two possible explanations," X said, shrugging. "The first is that we're changing the timeline by being here, meaning that the me you met didn't know about time travel."

"And what's the other?"

X shrugged. "That I just didn't want to tell you."

Ciel frowned. "Well, that's very nice."

The blue Hunter laughed. "Personally... in that situation, I wouldn't tell you. Not only would it be difficult to explain, it would potentially cause more damage to the time stream than our travel itself. And since I'm me, that's probably what I did. Will do. ...This is rather confusing, isn't it?"

She laughed slightly as well. "Yes, it really is."

"I can only hope we can find Sigma quickly and get out of your way, Miss Ciel," X said. "I know you must be very busy here with your own problems..."

"I'm happy to help, X," she assured him. "I mean, our resources are stretched as they always are, but we're in a time of relative lull right now. There isn't much to do until we're able to restore the forces we lost during the last battle with Weil."

"Well, I won't take up any more of your time," X said, rising to his feet.

"Again, it isn't a problem," she replied. "I'm not getting anywhere in my research right now..."

"What are you working on?" X asked curiously.

She gestured vaguely towards her computer. "It's an energy system... I hope it will be more viable than energy crystals, so that people won't have a good reason to discriminate against reploids anymore... though with Weil around, I don't know how much good it will do."

"It'll be a start, though," X said, enthused. "And a good thing for everyone, regardless."

"If I can get it to work," Ciel agreed.

"I'm sure you will," X replied, smiling.


Rock had managed to get himself thoroughly lost. The Resistance did not seem to be big on spending money for decoration; each corridor looked exactly like the last. He now walked down an empty, bland hallway, stretching symmetrically for some distance before turning a corner. He had seen no other people for several minutes, and was beginning to wonder if he ought to turn around.

Then there was a soft noise behind him. Rock turned, but the corridor behind him was empty. A fluorescent light flickered overhead.

Slightly nervous now, Rock turned back and continued down the hall. The soft noise was following him. Whirling again, the path was still empty.

"I know you're there," the boy said, his voice bouncing off the metal walls. "Don't hide. I'm friendly, I promise."

For a moment, he thought perhaps it had been his imagination after all. Then a small shape slipped from a shadowy wall alcove. Rock blinked, seeing that it was a tiny blonde-haired girl. She wore a simple pink dress and brown boots, tightly clutching a white stuffed cat to her chest. Hardly the mysterious stalker he'd been expecting.

"Hi there," he said, taking a step forward. The little girl watched him carefully. He halted, spreading his hands out in a gesture of peace. "If you want to talk to me, you can just come up and say hello, you know. I don't bite."

"...I've never seen you around here before," the girl said softly, blinking at him over the top of her stuffed toy. Rock now noted the machinery running through her light blue eyes and the mechanical ear covers that reploids of this era seemed to favor. So, she wasn't a human at all, but merely built to look like a child, like he was.

"We just got here," said Rock. He held out his hand. "My name's Rock. What's yours?"

"Alouette," said the girl, and tentatively let go of the cat with one arm, allowing Rock to take her hand. He shook it warmly.

"Nice to meet you, Alouette," he said. "Why were you hiding from me?"

"I... haven't met many other child models before," she said softly. "We don't often survive..."

"...Oh," said Rock, rather awkwardly. "Well, um... I guess I haven't met many other kids, either. So it's great to meet you!"

He smiled at her, and she smiled back, seeming more at ease now. "Then... we can be friends," she said tentatively. "Right?"

"Of course!" said Rock cheerily.

"...Would you like to play with me?" Alouette asked, her large blue eyes making it difficult to refuse.

"Sure, I've got some free time," said the boy, agreeing easily. The little girl smiled and took his arm, tugging him down the corridor. "So, what're we going to do?"


Rock sat around the small circular wooden table, across from Jacques, Clarise, Snuffles, Mr. Tiddlywinks, and Alouette. The stuffed animals all wore tiny bonnets and aprons that had been fashioned lovingly from jumpsuit scraps. In front of each was a delicate china cup, which the little girl treated as though it were made of something far more precious than glass.

"More tea?" she asked Rock. He nodded. She reached out over the cat in her lap and picked up the teapot. Holding it carefully, she poured more water into his outstretched cup.

"This is a lovely party, Alouette," Rock remarked, cradling the cup of water between his palms.

She smiled. "Thank you... Ciel plays with me sometimes but she's usually so busy... Jacques and everyone are glad to have a visitor." She patted the stuffed cat on the head.

"Why don't you use real tea, though?" Rock asked, as he sipped his water. "Do you not like it, or something?"

"Real tea?" Alouette questioned.

Rock blinked. "Yeah, you know, tea leaves or tea bags in hot water..."

"I've never had real tea," Alouette said, pouring more water into the cup of her stuffed rabbit, Clarise. "All the food we have goes to Ciel, and even then it's difficult to find enough."

"That's..." Rock blinked, reeling from the information. Of course, he knew that eating was an optional function. Recharging replenished energy, and supplemental tablets could take care of keeping the immune system running. X had said the Resistance probably didn't get much to eat, but still... nothing at all? He'd never gone hungry in all his twelve years of life, except perhaps those times mid-mission when he had an E-can instead of a sandwich. He couldn't imagine never eating. Did they never get hungry, then? Or did they feel like he had this morning, starving but forcing themselves to suppress the urge? No matter how he looked at it, it seemed a bleak existence...

Alouette looked at him. "We're reploids, we don't need to eat."

"Yeah, but we're designed to work better with food," said Rock. "Besides, it tastes good."

Alouette cocked her head to the side. "Yes, I suppose so... But Ciel needs everything we can find for her. ...Neo Arcadian reploids don't eat either. Where are you from, anyway?"

The little girl was deceptively perceptive, Rock thought. "Well, it's a bit of a long story," he said. "But I'm not from anywhere around here."

"But Neo Arcadia is the only place around," she pointed out.

"Yes... and that's why it's a long story." Rock looked across into her clear blue eyes. Well, Ciel and Zero II already knew the story, and he already felt he could trust the little girl. She possessed wisdom beyond the impression given by her small frame. Sighing, he made up his mind and began to explain as clearly as he could.

Alouette did not seem startled at all. "I always thought time-travel could be possible," she said. "But... I'm sorry you had to see the world end up like this. It can't be easy for you."

"No, it isn't," Rock admitted. "And what's worse is, I don't know what to do. I don't know how to help."

"I think you are helping already," said Alouette. "You're keeping the timeline safe. That means a lot. It would be impossible for us to fight your time-travelers and defend against Neo Arcadia all at once..."

"I guess you're right," he said. "Thanks, Alouette."

"It's nothing," she replied. "You know, you're really nice, Rock. You went along with everything. I didn't think a boy would want to... Mr. Zero always makes excuses when I ask." She giggled slightly, and Rock smiled, glad to see her happy.

"Well, I've had some practice, I'll admit," he said. "Twelve years of humoring my sister."

"Twelve years?" Alouette looked impressed. "I'm three and a half. I'll be four next winter. But twelve... you're very lucky."

"I'm, uh... beginning to think so too," Rock said, rubbing the back of his neck. He decided it would be best to change the subject. "So why are you with the Resistance anyway, Alouette?"

The girl's eyes turned sad. Rock immediately winced. He had been trying to lighten the mood, not make her more depressed. "I'm sorry, I should have realized that would bring up painful memories," he apologized.

She smiled at him. "It's all right. It was a long time ago, and really, I think it was the best thing that's ever happened to me. Ciel saved my life... no, she gave me my life. I was nothing but a puppet before I met her..."

Rock's curiosity got the better of him. "What happened? I mean... if you don't mind talking about it."

"I was built to be a companion to a wealthy girl in Neo Arcadia," Alouette explained, stroking her stuffed cat absently. "Watch her, clean up after her, play with her, you know. But the girl was very spoiled, and after a few months she got tired of me. I was too little to be of much help anywhere else in the house, so... the family decided to sell me. But no one else wanted a child model, either. We're pretty useless, I'm afraid..." She smiled apologetically.

Rock shook his head. "That's not true."

"Well, that's how it is in Neo Arcadia," Alouette replied. "They didn't want to keep me and they couldn't get rid of me, so they threw me out into the streets. Didn't even want the hassle of deactivating me, I suppose... I wandered away but I didn't get far. Some Pantheons ran into me, and as a reploid unlicensed to be on the streets, well..." She shook her head. "I ran, but I'm not very fast or armored at all. A direct blast would have killed me. But then, Ciel appeared."

"And she saved you?" Rock said.

Alouette nodded. "Took out the Pantheon patrol with her buster pistol. It was a very dangerous thing for her to have done... she was making her way out of the city to join with the Resistance reploids. She had stayed in Neo Arcadia for many months to recruit as many sympathetic reploids as she could, but the government had finally caught on to her... She had just escaped from her house before it was bombed by the Maverick Hunters, and saving me drew attention to her. It could have cost her life, but fortunately she made it safely from the city, and brought me with her."

"So you've been here pretty much from the beginning?" Rock asked.

"From the founding of the first base, anyway," Alouette replied. "Ciel has been so kind to me. Even though I'm not human, she treats me no differently. She made most of these for me," she said, gesturing at the stuffed toys gathered around her. Then she looked down, staring at the white painted surface of the table. "I love her very much... like a sister or a mother, even. I suppose it's silly, though, for a reploid to call a human their family."

"That's not true either!" said Rock. Alouette looked up. "My father is human," he explained. "But he's still my father. He built me and he loves me, even though I'm not biologically his son. And I love him back, just like you care about Ciel. There's no reason you can't call her family, Alouette. The difference between humans and robots is what we're made of, not what's inside our hearts."

Alouette was silent for a moment. Then she smiled, looking happier than Rock had seen her yet. "Thank you, Rock. I'll remember that."

"You're welcome," said Rock, slightly embarrassed. "So um... why don't you tell me some more about yourself? How do you usually spend your time? Do you help with the Resistance?"

"I can't do very much," Alouette admitted. "I don't have skills for managing electronic equipment, and I certainly can't fight. Ciel is teaching me, though. She says reploid children need to learn just like human ones, and when I get older I'll be just as smart as she is. I hope she's right... I'd like to be a scientist someday, so I can help her."

"I'm sure you will," said Rock firmly. "You're already really smart, Alouette. And very perceptive, too."

She looked down, blushing slightly. "Not really. But right now, I can't do very much for the Resistance, unfortunately. I help Ciel take care of the cyber elves, but I mainly just worry while Mr. Zero is off on missions..."

Rock looked thoughtful. "So, you know Zero pretty well, then?" he asked. He'd been hoping to learn more about the mysterious reploid, who looked so much like his friend yet acted completely differently.

"Yes, he helps out Ciel all the time," said Alouette. She smiled. "He's given us hope... I don't think we'd be here now without him. I'm very glad he came."

"What's he like?" Rock asked, stirring his water idly with a teaspoon. "I mean... he seems to be a lot different from the Zero that I know from 21XX. He doesn't talk very much."

"Mr. Zero... acts silent and tough all the time, but sometimes I think he's more insecure than me," said Alouette softly. "He's afraid of talking to people. I think he's shy."

"Shy? Zero?" said Rock, raising his eyebrows. Those were two words he'd never expected to hear together.

Alouette nodded. "He's supposed to be really old, but... I don't think he remembers that time at all. Sometimes, I wonder... who is really older, him or me? He acts like nothing can touch him, but sometimes... I think he gets afraid. That's why I try to look out for him."

"Look out for him?" Rock asked, slightly amused.

"Well... I can't do very much," said Alouette. "But I try to pay attention to him, talk to him. Cheer him on and cheer him up... It's all I can do, but I think it helps him, a little."

"Well, that's very nice of you," Rock said.

Alouette smiled. "Well… he's a friend."

"Bass and Blues don't think he likes us very much," Rock admitted. "They don't think he trusts us yet."

"Time travel is a difficult concept to accept," Alouette agreed. "Mr. Zero's had a very tough life, and we've all been betrayed before…. but he'll like you when he gets to know you. I'm sure of it."

"I hope so," Rock replied.

"He will," Alouette affirmed. "You're a good person, Rock."

"Ah... thanks, Alouette," Rock said, his cheeks beginning to redden.

"Would you like some more tea?" Alouette asked, picking up the teapot.

Rock smiled. "Sure, that'd be great."

Rock and Alouette continued chatting lightly for another hour or so, until Rock decided he should probably go search out the others. Thanking the little girl for inviting him, he headed out of her room. The door slid shut and he started walking forward, only to nearly collide with Blues.

"Familiarizing yourself with the locals, Rocky?" the older robot asked, wearing an amused smile. He put his hands on his brother's shoulders to steady him.

The boy frowned, taking a step backward. "Don't you ever whistle anymore?"

"You never listen to it these days anyway. Besides, it'd spoil my fun." Blues' shades flashed with amusement in the light. "Ciel told me to find you. It looks like something unusual has come up."

"Any ideas what it is?" Rock asked, looking up at his brother inquisitively.

"No more than you do, I'm afraid," Blues answered. "Zero II wouldn't give me a straight answer… but I think Wily may be involved since they called us, so let's get moving, huh?" He motioned for the boy to follow.

Rock matched his brother's stride as they walked toward the elevator. "Hey Blues," he said, as the older boy pressed the call button and they waited for the lift to arrive. "How'd you know where I was?"

"I saw you and that little girl walking past earlier," he replied nonchalantly. The elevator doors opened and they stepped inside.

"So you stalked us," Rock finished, while pressing the fourth floor button.

"Followed out of curiosity," Blues corrected, flashing a smirk. The doors closed again and the car began rising. "I'm mysterious, not creepy. You should know better than anyone how I get around."

"Of course," Rock replied, trying hard not to sound caustic. It was more like eavesdropping than getting around, but he wasn't about to start that argument.

The elevator continued its rumbling journey upward. "So who was she, anyway?" Blues asked.

"What, the super spy doesn't even know that?" Rock teased.

"Maybe I do, but I'm not admitting anything."

Rock rolled his eyes, leaning against the wall. "Her name's Alouette. Ciel takes care of her. I talked to her because she looked lonely and said she hadn't met many other kids before. Now, are you going to pick on me for it?"

"Nah," Blues replied. The elevator reached the fourth floor and they exited, continuing briskly toward the control room. "What you did was a good thing, bro. But... I'm still going to hang this over your head for awhile, in case you happen to get out of hand." He smiled for an instant, but then his face turned serious once more. "Now, it's time to focus on what needs to be done so we can get home."

"Right," Rock replied, enthused. They reached the entrance to the command center and stepped inside together.

"About time you two showed up," Bass said, the usual irritation in his voice. He was leaning against a side wall with his arms folded, watching Ciel and Zero II, who stood near the center of the room. Rock knew that part of the black robot's current anger was that the Resistance was currently in complete control of the situation. They couldn't continue their hunt for Wily without their assistance, and depending on others was something Rock knew Bass hated.

X and Zero were also already in the room, X holding his helmet in his hands and standing beside his friend, who leaned against one of the computer terminals. Both nodded to Rock and Blues as they entered. The rest of the room was empty. Rock assumed Ciel had dismissed the other personnel for the time being.

"Great, they're here," Bass said, stepping away from the wall. "Now, can you tell us what all those blips on the map mean?" He pointed at a large holographic display beside Ciel. The hologram was of the planet Earth, and there was a red flashing light near the South Pole.

"Yes," Ciel said, pointing at the dot. "This is the area of Neo Arcadia's South Pole computer base. Zero, you remember infiltrating that a few months ago."

Zero II nodded. "Yeah."

"Well, it's been putting off distress signals," Ciel continued.

"So? Don't you have guerillas attacking that place?" Bass asked, looking over to Ciel. "If it's a computer base, doesn't that give it the label 'smash me', or am I missing something?"

"Bass! Don't be snide," X shot back at him. "Let Ciel finish."

"That's what's strange about it, Bass," Ciel replied, seemingly unphased by his tone. "We're not attacking it. Typically it's too heavily fortified to even infiltrate; only Zero's had success in doing so. The fact that distress signals are going off at all is worrisome."

"Do you think it's Sigma?" Zero asked, glancing at X.

"Maybe," said the blue Hunter. "Though I doubt it'd be him personally. Maybe another robot master..."

"Are the Neo Arcadians responding to the distress beacons?" Zero II asked.

Ciel shook her head. "We don't believe so. Considering they're still distracted by X's appearance, it seems unlikely reinforcements will arrive quickly. Which brings me to the mission," she said, folding her arms lightly. "Zero, I'd like you to go down there and investigate the disturbance."

"Sure," Zero II replied.

"What about us?" X asked.

"I didn't want to ask that of you unless you were willing to volunteer," Ciel replied. "But if you'd like to, go ahead. It seems likely that it is related to your enemies, as no one else we know of would be able to assault a facility like that. I locked in the trans server coordinates already. But please, be careful. All of you."

"We will, Dr. Ciel," Rock replied. "Everything will be fine! You'll see!"

"I'm sure I will," Ciel warmly smiled. "Zero, if things get too dangerous, I want you to withdraw back to base. Is that clear?"

"Yeah, I'll think about it." Zero II replied, somewhat flatly.

"Zero…" She sighed.

"You all ready?" Zero II asked, though it was really more of a statement.

"Yeah," X nodded. "So we just go in, see what's doing damage and leave if it's not Wily-related? Hey, are there humans in that facility?"

"What kind of human in their right mind would be there?" Zero said, in a lightly mocking tone. "It's the South Pole! If it's anything like the rest of this barren wasteland, it's even worse than in our time! And it was already freakin' cold there! Imagine now!"

X shrugged. "It was a valid question."

"Don't worry, X," Ciel responded. "There are no humans at all in the Computer Base. Just guard mechaniloids, Pantheons, the usual Neo Arcadian forces. You won't have to worry about collateral damage... provided you end up in a fight."

"Sweet!" Bass said, pumping his arm. "Let's go!"

"Do try to keep a low profile, though," Ciel warned.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of everything," Zero II replied as he stepped into the large platform in the center of the room. The others quickly followed. "Start the transfer, Ciel."

"Of course," she said, pushing a button on a nearby console. She watched as the six warriors were beamed out in rapid succession. As the last traces of light left the transporter pad, she found herself saying the words she said so often in the past.

"Good luck, Zero..."