Young rural girl with two contest star parents - Johanna and a Unovan man, which is where she gets her looks from. Her father passed away from Disneyitis when she was a baby so she never knew him. But she always looked up to both her parents performances and was inspired to become a star like them... but doesn't really have any of the natural grace and charisma they do.
Instead, she's terminally weird and has developed into a bit of a yumejoshi. She and Barry became close friends due to being the weirdo kids of the local small area. They also both suffer from fatherless behaviour. Johanna does care about Tina a lot, to the point of spoiling her a bit too much, but is also a bit overprotective for a lot of her childhood.
She has an eternally optimistic outlook despite circumstances she's dealt with in life, and is one of the only people to have the personality and energy to keep up with Barry in the first place. When not channeling this energy into playing with him or drawing husbandos, she likes to find out more about mythology and history of the region, particularly about Legendaries.
Meets Alaster at the lake after he catches her and Barry using Rowan's Pokémon. Quickly becomes tied up in that plot. She takes everything very unseriously up until the point space and time are threatened to be destroyed and she gets taken to Hell.
Atano (アタノ) is a young girl from one of the Northern, remote areas of Hisui, that has people actually from the region and not new settlers. She joins the Survey Corps for ??? reasons as a talented rookie.
Suke is assigned to be her trainer in fighting, capturing, and crafting. Being New and Innocent, she's pretty much the only one around to trust him. But then he quickly vanishes right before shit goes down and leaves her as a little rookie to deal with things on her own...
She is childhood friends with Barry. She's a seamstress who dreams of doing Cool Fancy Idol Clothes someday.
Claims to be a fortune-teller, but has yet to prove herself in this regards. Has a very strong interest in non-humans.