Fics I think are cool and that you should check out. I have a lot more on my AO3 bookmarks, but these are ones in particular I've recommended even to people who don't read fics regularly, or I otherwise want to show off.
Their flooded world has been on the brink of collapse for generations. The people of Cybertron cling to boats, floating cities, and all that is left of a once galactic civilization. Scavenging for scarce resources from the bodies of leviathans and ocean depths, in the ruins of their ancestors.
Making the formation of mobile fortresses critical to everyone's survival, these colossal ships could host mass dive operations or hunt leviathans. Some did both. Lost Light is one such ship.
Something follows Cyclonus back from the Dead Universe. It wears a Cybertronian body and gives itself a pronounceable name, but he still remembers what it looked like before it decided it liked him.
Responding to an unusual distress signal, a team of Lost Lighters set out to investigate an abandoned Decepticon base and get locked in with a forgotten weapon from a long since ended war. When their plan to deactivate the weapon goes awry it leaves Rewind temporarily without his memories, and now he has to race to remember who he is and how to shut this weapon down before they all fall victim to a fate worse than death.
Starscream has a plan: pretend to join the Autobots to stop their reign of terror on Cybertron. If he can prove his worth to Megatron in doing so, well, that'd be a welcome bonus.
Unfortunately, Lord Prime takes a deeper interest in their partnership than Starscream intended.
It's been years since Eggman really began to dig his claws into the planet. He almost seemed to come from nowhere. One moment things are peaceful the next Eggman is there with his armies of merciless robots. No one knew where he came from or how he'd built up an army in such a short period of time. Surely they would have noticed him before right? While a resistance has formed to fight back things continue to look grim...
Meanwhile an odd Eggman machine is found by one Miles "Tails" Prower and his companion Silver. It doesn't take long for the fox to realize just how different this machine is. Though the true nature and origins of this "Metal Sonic" still remain a mystery.
Before Miles 'Tails' Prower was a hero, he was a sidekick; and before he was a sidekick, he was alone.
The world can be a tough place for a newborn without a clue, even with extreme intelligence and the ability to fly. Facing the harshness of reality on his own, there isn't much room for things like heroics when you're constantly in a fight for survival.
All he can do is try his best!
Mr. Grizz has a special little worker on his radar.
He knew his identity couldn't stay a secret forever. Eventually, someone would find out. But he always thought it would be on his terms. Instead, that chance is ripped away from him in the middle of a ghost fight, and now all of Amity Park knows the truth: Tucker Foley is the Tech Hunter.
When he died, he didn't get a memorial service. He didn't get the vigil, the flowers, the headstone.
In fact, no one even found his body.
There was something wrong with Danny Fenton.
Nearly eighteen months after a lab accident left him hospitalized, his friends and family assumed he was still recovering from the side effects of his near-death experience. But after witnessing Danny do something ghostly, they begin to suspect something much more sinister is afoot and set out to save their friend from the clutches of the evil ghost possessing him.
Born into an impoverished life, Anna is thrilled when she's sent to become a domestic worker in an upper-class society. But her world turns upside down when she visits the home of a mysterious blonde soldier with a broken, bitter past. Dystopian AU, Elsanna